K. Takeuchi, E. Aihara, M. Kimura, K. Dogishi, T. Hara and S. Hayashi Pages 43 - 54 ( 12 )
The secretion of HCO3 - in the duodenum is increased by mucosal acidification, and this process is modulated by gas mediators such as nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and carbon monoxide (CO), in addition to prostaglandins (PGs). The secretion is increased by NOR3 (NO donor), NaHS (H2S donor), and CORM-2 (CO donor). The HCO3 - responses to NOR3 and CORM-2 are attenuated by indomethacin, while that to NaHS is mitigated by indomethacin and L-NAME as well as sensory deafferentation. NOR3 and CORM-2 increase mucosal PGE2 production, while H2S increases mucosal PGE2 content and luminal NO release. The HCO3 - response to mucosal acidification is attenuated by indomethacin, propargylglycine, and SnPP, each inhibiting PG, H2S and CO production, respectively. The acid-induced duodenal damage is worsened when either PG, H2S or CO is lacking. These findings suggest that 1) NO, H2S, and CO, generated endogenously or exogenously, stimulate HCO3 - secretion in the duodenum; 2) the stimulatory action of NO and CO is mediated, at least partly, by endogenous PGs, while that of H2S is mediated by PGs and NO as well as sensory neurons; 3) these gas mediators are involved in the local regulation of acid-induced HCO3 - secretion, in addition to endogenous PGs; 4) the acidinduced duodenal damage is worsened by agents inhibiting the endogenous production of NO, H2S or CO. It is assumed that these gas mediators play a role in maintaining the integrity of the duodenal mucosa by modulating the secretion of HCO3 -.
Carbon monoxide,duodenal HCO3 secretion,gas mediators,hydrogen sulfide,nitric oxide,prostaglandin,sensory neurons,exogenously,stimulate,duodenal mucosa,inhibiting PG,duodenal HCO3-secretion
, , , , , Division of Pathological Sciences, Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University, Misasagi, Yamashina, Kyoto 607-8414, Japan.