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Mini-Review Article

The Mechanisms of miRNAs on Target Regulation and their Recent Advances in Atherosclerosis


Runting Yin*, Hongyu Lu, Yixing Cao, Jia Zhang, Geng Liu, Qian Guo, Xinyu Kai, Jiemin Zhao and Yuan Wei   Pages 1 - 26 ( 26 )


miRNAs are crucial regulators in a variety of physiological and pathological processes, while their regulation mechanisms were usually described as negatively regulating gene expression by targeting the 3’-untranlated region(3’-UTR) of target gene miRNAs through seed sequence in tremendous studies. However, recent evidence indicated the existence of non-canonical mechanisms mediated by binding other molecules besides mRNAs. Additionally, accumulating evidence showed that functions of intracellular and intercellular miRNAs exhibited spatiotemporal patterns. Considering that detailed knowledge of the miRNA regulating mechanism is essential for understanding the roles and further clinical applications associated with their dysfunction and dysregulation, which is complicated and not fully clarified. Based on that, we summarized the recently reported regulation mechanisms of miRNAs, including recognitions, patterns of actions, and chemical modifications. And we also highlight the novel findings of miRNAs in atherosclerosis progression researches to provide new insights for non-coding RNA-based therapy in intractable diseases.


miRNA target,spatiotemporal expression,miRNA sponge,methylation modification,atherosclerosis


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